ELEMENTARY (K5 – 5th Grade)
PCA’s elementary school program provides a loving environment that stimulates learning. Our curriculum has been designed to provide a strong academic foundation in language arts, math, science, social studies, and Bible.
The curriculum is enhanced through co-curriculars such as computers, music, library, P.E., and art. Students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities such as athletics, performance, and visual arts. Students are encouraged to participate in events, such as Math Olympics, spelling bees, school productions, and chapels in order to develop their intellect and stage presence.
One of the core beliefs at Potential Christian Academy is that all students can learn and succeed in a loving environment where expectations are high. Teachers take time to get to know their students. The school administration, classroom teachers, and learning specialists work together to identify individual student's needs and abilities, and develop strategies to address those needs effectively.