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As we continue to move in a more digital direction to support efficiency and enhance our school's quality of service, we're happy to announce that we have transitioned from a paper to an online lunch ordering system.

This will allow parents to go online into the Family Portal (or our school's app), order lunches, and pay automatically - all in one spot! You are now able to access and control your ordering and charges electronically, saving valuable time and resources, plus allowing you to have more control over the lunch ordering process. 

Below you will find a PDF with instructions on how to place your order and pay in the Family Portal. Following are some important highlights to please keep in mind:

  • Lunches will be charged as soon as the order is placed. (Charges will not be billed on the 5th or the 20th as for other expenses).
  • When placing your child's lunch order, please be mindful of the deadline for that calendar month. A reminder email will be sent to all parents the last week of the month.
  • Same day orders will be accepted until 9:00AM via an online/app placed order on the date the service is required. 
  • Parents who order lunches after the due date will incur a $1 late fee on all late days. 
  • Pre-paid lunches will only be credited if the order is canceled within five (5) business days prior to the cancellation date OR a school-mandated closure is in effect. Cancellations must be sent via email directly to Emails sent to any other staff member do not guarantee a time stamp for cancellations or same day orders.

Should you have any questions, please contact our finance department at .  

FOOD ALLERGY NOTICE: Please be advised that food served here may contain these ingredients: milk, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts or fish.

Please click HERE for the instructional PDF.